Stony Point Police Athletic League

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Skate Park Concept Design Nov. 2018
Skate Park RFP
March 21, 2016 - The Town of Stony Point Town Board approved the Skate Park RFP to be published requesting companies bid for design of the Stony Point Skate Park.
Stony Point aims to build a skate park
Stony Point Police Athletic League wants to build a skate park for local youths.
Akiko Matsuda amatsuda@lohud.com6:46 p.m. EDT July 8, 2015
as published on
STONY POINT – One man's dream to build a skate park in his hometown is one step closer to becoming a reality as the community shows its support.
The Stony Point Police Athletic League has raised enough money to hire a firm to draw plans for an 8,000-square-foot skate park, to be built on a town-owned property across the Vincent Clark Park on the Hudson River. Once plans are drawn, the next step would be to raise more funding to actually build it.
Mike Ehlers, 43, a stay-at-home dad and a member of the PAL, said he has been wanting to build a skate park in Stony Point since he was 15 and used to skateboard around town himself. Ehlers is running for a seat on the Stony Point Town Board on the Democratic line this fall, but has been working for the project for three years.
Rockland County Times: Stony Point PAL to Host Major Fundraiser; Future Plans Include Skate Park, Other Projects
Posted May 15, 2014
On May 29 the Stony Point Police Athletic League will be hosting a 300 Club fundraiser at the Patriot Hills Club House from 5 to 8 p.m. According to Detective Andrew Kryger, the head of the Stony Point Police Department Youth Bureau, the primary goal of the event is to raise money to support several “big ticket items,” including a new skate park for Stony Point youth to enjoy.
The PAL is responsible for all fundraising toward the creation of the Stony Point Skate Park at this time and the Town of Stony Point will not finance the project apart from providing land at Vincent Clark....... Click "Read more" to read the whole article.